Today’s devotional in The Armor of God is titled Mistaken Identity.
I know we’ve all clung to versions of ourselves that are nowhere near the picture that God sees. Let’s retrain our knowledge of WHO WE ARE in Christ!
Remember, the Helmet of Salvation is OUR IDENTITY IN CHRIST!
Catch today’s video here.
Remember that our Spiritual Armor consists of: the Belt of Truth (we have a real enemy that is has been strategizing against us, but have the tools of God to defeat him), the Breastplate of Righteousness (practical righteousness and imputed righteousness), the Shoes of Peace (trust, thankfulness and imputed peace from Jesus), the Shield of Faith (faith requires action), the Helmet of Salvation (is active in the present and used to demolish strongholds), and the Sword of the Spirit/Word of God (we know it and it’s time to USE it).
And y’all, spend some daily alone time with God. I promise, it’ll rock your world!
Don’t forget – any prayer requests can be submitted here. Give me something to pray for!
Last meeting tomorrow on Facebook LIVE at 8:00 pm. See you then!